Artist Statements

I document connections and interactions.
I use stories (lovingly), research (slowly), and cameras (carefully).
I do my best to respond:


“The master’s house began to collapse on its own long ago. Use any and all tools you can get your hands on and speed the process. Demolish the master’s house carefully enough to recycle the building materials and make tiny houses for everybody. With any leftover materials, we’ll make small books.”1

or scripts. Even when

“This script is not good writing. I think that has everything to do with it. On the other hand, human life isn't necessarily well-written.”2


“The mission is to rewild the mind. The mission is to create a first draft of a thing so that others may have something useful to revise.”3


“We are at stake to each other”,4

and really,
“The task is to become capable, with each other in all of our bumptious kinds, of response.”5

1Antena Aire
2William Greaves
3Adjua Greaves
4Donna Haraway

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